
Kuvatud on kuupäeva oktoober, 2023 postitused
KÜSIMUS Küsimus, tingimustes on öeldud:  1.5.1. Kuni kuus ilupilti, kuni kolmel planšetil. Kas võime teha 6 pilti, mis on kuuel planšetil, aga piltide pindala ei ole enam kui kolm A1 planšetti?  VASTUS Kogu materjal esitatakse elektrooniliselt. Jah, võib lisada 6 pilti kuuel plansetil. Palume esitada A1 formaadis. Küsimus muutub oluliseks kui töid on vaja füüsiliselt eksponeerida ja teadmata tööde hulka võib tekkida olukord kus tuleb nendest 3 tk välja valida. 
KÜSIMUS We have the following questions concerning Noblessner competition.   A) Number of storeys / penthouses on top floor / height of rooms   Provided detail plan (from 2013) indicates that all 4 waterfront buildings should have 6 floors (5+1). However, the design brief (English version on page 14) states the following: “...possible, both of the outermost buildings (the one closest to the sea and the one closest to the Seaplane Harbour) should be planned to have five storeys. The two middle buildings should be designed with the maximum number of storeys permitted."   Question1: Which of the documents prevails? Are indeed “only" 5 storeys expected on the outermost buildings (which will allow better views from the top story in the middle buildings)? Has the detailed plan been updated since 2013?   The design brief (English version on page 16) further defines that penthouses are expected on top floors.   Question 2: Does this mean that the outermost buildings are ex
KÜSIMUS _ What is the minimum height for the passage of emergency vehicles? The detailed plan indicates a height of 5.5 metres between the quay and the cantilever of the building on the sea side, is this height mandatory or can it be changed? _ Learning that balconies are not counted within the square metres of the flats, I ask if these should be considered when counting the gross floor area. Furthermore, is there a difference between glass-enclosed and open balconies when counting gross floor area?   _Is the sailing school building to be separate from the four buildings, or is it to be integrated with them? In this sense it would occupy a portion of commercial space. _ In the evaluation criteria, the presumed construction costs are specified as a rewarding point. I would like to ask whether these costs will be presumed by the jury during the commission, or whether an economic evaluation of the construction costs by the participants must be submitted together with the report, as I
The terms and conditions of the Noblessner Architecture Competition in English:
KÜSIMUS 1_ Is the area of balconies or loggias taken into account in its entirety when counting the square footage of the flats, or is it considered as a percentage? 2_ I would like confirmation regarding penthouses: is the top floor to be occupied by a single flat or is it possible to build several flats, one of which is larger than five rooms? 3_ Is the roof surface, if not practicable and not accessible, considered in the calculation of the total gross floor area? 4_ Assuming that the penthouse floor is set back from the lower floor, and that therefore a portion of the roofing area of the lower floor is destined as a terrace and another is not practicable: does the non-practicable area still enter into the total gross area or is it considered as roofing area and therefore not included in the total gross area? 5_ Is it possible that the outline of the building extends beyond the quay and therefore above the sea? 6_ I ask for confirmation of the number of boards as our translatio
KÜSIMUS Are there documents in English? ANSWER The terms and conditions for the competition in English will be available at 23.10.23. – we will let you know.
KÜSIMUS Oleks vaja teada hoonete ehitisealuse pinna täpseid mõõtmeid. Probleem on selles, et kui detailplaneeringu põhijoonised dwg faili avan, on jooned ebatäpsed. All pilt DP joonisest. (ebavajalikud jooned peitsin). Eks enamvähem oskan tuletada ka, mis võiks õige pikkuse ja laiuse number olla, aga kui olemas parem joonis või numbrid kuskil kirjas, oleks info eest tänulik!  VASTUS Paremat joonist ja täpsemaid numbreid kahjuks ei ole kui need, mis detailplaneeringus.
KÜSIMUS Oleks huvi tutvuda Vesilennuki majade arhitektuurivõistlusele esitatud töödega. Googeldades miskit ei leidnud, kas on võimalik neid näha? VASTUS Vesilennuki majade arhitektuurivõistlust ei ole toimunud. Projekteerija oli Koko Arhitektid.
KÜSIMUS 1_ We are an Italian architecture firm that would like to participate in the competition, are there any special forms to fill out or additional documents? There are other requirements to be met in addition to those listed in the notice (professional qualification, no convictions, etc.) 2_ Regarding the documents to be delivered, we ask if there is a maximum number of A1 sheets and if there is a base layout. 3_ Still regarding the documents, we ask if there is a maximum limit of pages for the report and if images and diagrams can be added within the document. 4_ Regarding the delivery procedure, to guarantee anonymity, will the files relating to the participant be made anonymous by the site or do we have to use a specific sotware? 1_ Given that the piers in the detailed plan differ from those present in the area, I ask whether the architectural intervention also concerns the piers, and more specifically whether demolition and reconstruction or just restoration is envisaged,
KÜSIMUS Dear Competition Organizing Committee, we are an architectural design firm based in Germany and would love to participate in this competition:  seaside buildings and urban space in Noblessner, Tallinn. As far as we know, this is an open architectural competition. we are very interested in this competition, so we have the following questions: 01. As a German architecture company, can we participate in the competition? 02. We haven't found the English version of the competition materials. Will the organizing committee provide it later? ANSWER Thank you for your interest in the Noblessner Architecture Competition. Architectural firms operating outside Estonia are very welcome to participate. The terms and conditions for the competition in English will be available at latest 23.10.23. – we will let you know.
KÜSIMUS Sent: Friday, October 6, 2023 11:38 AM Ei ole selge mis hoone on Lennusadama 9/2 - kas võite seda täpsemalt seletada? VASTUS Lennusadama 9/2 hoone asukoht on näidatud joonisel
KÜSIMUS Sent: Monday, October 2, 2023 5:51 PM kas hoonestusala piirille võib läheneda ka loomingulisemalt ja kaaluda suuremat muudatust kui projekteerimistingimustega maksimaalselt muudetav 10 %? Kuivõrd ehitusala on võrdlemisi täpselt ette antud tulevad võistlustööd tõenäoliselt võrdlemisi sarnased, samas peaks arhitektuurivõistlusega lahendamise eelduseks olema just võimalik kontseptsioonide paljusus. VASTUS Muudatused mis tingiksid uue detailplaneeringu koostamise vajaduse ei ole kahjuks aktsepteeritavad.
KÜSIMUS Sent: Tuesday, October 3, 2023 11:45 AM Vaatasime Noblessneri võistluse tingimusi ja tekkis küsimus- kui täpselt peab arvestama detailplaneeringus näidatud ehitusmahtude paiknemisega võistlualas (1). Konsoolsed mahud staapelplatsi ja promenaadi kohal peavad arusaadavalt olema, aga kas maapealsete mahtude paiknemine ja/või nihutamine vms on võistlustöös aktsepteeritud? Või ei tohi hoonestusala nihutada rohkem kui 10%?  VASTUS: Muudatused mis tingiksid uue detailplaneeringu koostamise vajaduse ei ole kahjuks aktsepteeritavad
KÜSIMUS Sent: Monday, October 2, 2023 10:19 AM Hetkel pole täpsustatud, kuidas jõuab info esitatud küsimuste ja antud vastuste kohta kõigile osalejatele. Vastavalt EALi juhendile:  81. Võistlejad võivad esitada võistlustingimuste kohta põhjendatud ja asjassepuutuvaid küsimusi. Küsimuste esitamise ja vastamise kord täpsustatakse võistluseeskirjas. Küsimuste esitamise viimane tähtaeg on üldjuhul kaks nädalat enne võistlustööde esitamise tähtaega. Küsimustele vastab kolme tööpäeva jooksul korraldaja esindaja, kes peab enne nõu võistlustingimuste vastava osa koostajaga. Võistluse korraldaja tagab küsimuse esitaja anonüümsuse ning teeb kõik küsimused ja vastused kõikidele võistlejatele kättesaadavaks.  Kuidas olete seda mõelnud?  VASTUS Küsimused-vastused on leitavad lingilt: Küsimuste – vastuste link on leitav EAL lehelt Noblessneri arhitektuurivõistluse infolingi alt
KÜSIMUS Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2023 11:57 AM   Actually I was informed about  this Competition "Seaside buildings and urban space in Noblessner". Right from this moment I want to take part in this competition as architect.   Can you send me more informations about this competition? How can I apply for this competition? How are the condititions on this competition?   I would be pleased to get more informations from you. ANSWER Thank you for your interest in the Noblessner Architecture Competition. It is not an international architectural competition, but architectural firms operating outside Estonia are very welcome to participate. Prior registration for participation is not necessary. Competition entries must be submitted in Estonian. We don't have English version of the documents available. It is recommended that you cooperate with an Estonian partner. Estonian Association of Architects:
KÜSIMUS Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2023 9:57 AM This letter I write is in regard to the competition  in Tallin. My question would be is it open competition where all architects designers are allowed to participate? I am an architect with almost decade of experience in Germany as an architect designer. ANSWER Thank you for your interest in the Noblessner Architecture Competition. It is not an international architectural competition, but architectural firms operating outside Estonia are very welcome to participate. Prior registration for participation is not necessary. Competition entries must be submitted in Estonian. We don't have English version of the documents available. It is recommended that you cooperate with an Estonian partner. Estonian Association of Architects: We would like to specify that although competition entries must be submitted in Estonian but it is a
KÜSIMUS Sent: Monday, September 18, 2023 5:23 PM Our practice would like to take part in the competition "Seaside buildings and urban space in Noblessner“ currently being announced internationally. Will entries in english language be accepted?  Will the terms and conditions be published in english? Using google translate might end up in misunderstandings... ANSWER Thank you for your interest in the Noblessner Architecture Competition. It is not an international architectural competition, but architectural firms operating outside Estonia are very welcome to participate. Prior registration for participation is not necessary. Competition entries must be submitted in Estonian. We don't have English version of the documents available. It is recommended that you cooperate with an Estonian partner. Estonian Association of Architects: We would like to specify that although c
KÜSIMUS Sent: Friday, September 15, 2023 1:08 PM We are writing from Italy about interesting completion - found on Europaconcorsi platform - for NOBLESSNER area. I would like to know if it’s an international completion also open to foreign architects and, in case, where it’s possible to find english version of documents. Is it the completion delivery mandatory in Estonian language? ANSWER Thank you for your interest in the Noblessner Architecture Competition. It is not an international architectural competition, but architectural firms operating outside Estonia are very welcome to participate. Prior registration for participation is not necessary. Competition entries must be submitted in Estonian. We don't have English version of the documents available. It is recommended that you cooperate with an Estonian partner. Estonian Association of Architects: We would like to spe

Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2023 12:12 PM

KÜSIMUS Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2023 12:12 PM We were very excited to learn about the launch of the above-mentioned consultation and would like to know if you have an English version of the documents available. Also, it says that registration must be done in Estonian. Should we understand that the whole competition should be done in Estonian ? Thank you in advance for your feedback. ANSWER Thank you for your interest in the Noblessner Architecture Competition. It is not an international architectural competition, but architectural firms operating outside Estonia are very welcome to participate. Prior registration for participation is not necessary. Competition entries must be submitted in Estonian. We don't have English version of the documents available. It is recommended that you cooperate with an Estonian partner. Estonian Association of Architects: We would like